Charles McLean Redding is a compulsive creative with an eye for the strangely beautiful and the beautifully strange. A fan of genre fiction of all varieties, and a long-time LARPer, he is eager to discover and explore new worlds.

He grew up in the Pacific Northwest, but now lives in Colorado Springs. He has studied and fallen in love with numerous subjects, including anthropology, geology, paleontology, writing, and the performing arts.

His goals are to be able to make a living with his arts; to tell stories through a variety of genres and mediums; to make the world a stranger and more beautiful place to live in; to move people and awaken the fire within.

Creative Pursuits

As an Artist

Charles loves to explore experimental processes and materials, using ink, paint, fire, water, air, and whatever else he can get his hands on. He is less a “trained artist” and more a maker of “interesting messes”.

You can see his works on the Gallery page!

As an Author/Playwright

Charles’ written and self-published works include tales from The Roarin’ West, The Guardian of Taihar series, and his Snack Pack: Raptor Comics, with many more novellas, comics, and plays in development and on the way.

You can find, purchase and review those works from the Bookstore page!

You can also read some of his short stories in The Reading Room!

As an Actor/Director

Charles has taken on various roles for dozens of community shows and short films, including as an actor, director, playwright, props master, stage-hand, set-builder, clown, puppeteer, costumer, and sound designer.

If you would like to work with Charles for your own production, please contact him at

Want to collaborate?

If you would like to acquire or commission some of Charles’ art, invite him to work on a project, or if you want his help developing a project of your own, please contact him at!

Also, please consider supporting him on Patreon! For a small monthly subscription you’d get first access to all updates, the opportunity to provide input and feedback on his projects, and other patron-exclusive posts and art-pieces! For that, simply click on the button below!