I wake up. I don’t know where I am. I wait for my reality to set in, the memories of real life to come flooding back to fill the void left by a dream I can’t remember… but nothing materializes Nothing becomes familiar about this uncomfortable situation in which I find myself.. It’s dark, and I’m in a tight, cramped space, leaning against a cold wet wall with my knees pushed up. I reach up tentatively and feel no ceiling right above me. I feel a cramp setting in, so I push against a grimy, wet metal wall and stand up cautiously.

I feel around. There are walls to both sides, behind and in front of me, and now that I’m standing I can feel a vented ceiling over my head. My hand brushes a latch in front of me. I think I might be in some kind of closet or a large metal locker. I feel a warm dry breeze faintly blowing from the ceiling grate.

1- I’ll try to open the door.

2- I’ll wait and listen.

3- I’ll call for help.

4- I’ll see if I can climb up through the ceiling grate.

rc1/1 The content of this page is the intellectual property and copyright material of Charles McLean Redding. Any resemblance to real events, locations, or people are entirely coincidental, and probably a serious cause for concern. No content may be copied and/or distributed without Charles McLean Redding’s express consent and authorization.