“Oh no, I’m not falling for THAT!”
“Excuse me?”

“This is some kind of a test, right? I’m not giving up information to a spy! Nice try, Anton!”
Another voice, deep and gravelly speaks
“You just gave up your commanding officer’s name.”

“What? No, no I didn’t I just… You just gave up that my brother is our commanding officer!”

“This… the spy didn’t know Anton was your brother!” The gravelly voice sounds somewhere between exasperated and resigned to the conversation. It goes on like that for a bit. Finally:

“Okay, if this closet-gremlin already knows Anton’s name, it hardly matters if they have my name too, right?”

1- Okay…

rc 1/18 The content of this page is the intellectual property and copyright material of Charles McLean Redding. Any resemblance to real events, locations, or people are entirely coincidental, and probably a serious cause for concern. No content may be copied and/or distributed without Charles McLean Redding’s express consent and authorization.