Having calmed down, and not quite sure of the path anymore, I wait for them in the open. I hold my hands up, this time braced for the sight of the stone-creature.
“Hands up” Comes the voice of the girl behind me. She is pressing something into my back. Had she been armed before? She certainly has a light step.
“My hands are already up.”
“Oh. Good then. Keep them that way. I FOUND ‘EM!” she suddenly shouts practically into my ear, then mutters a quiet but sincere apology. It’s hard not to worry that these might indeed be the people who kidnapped me, but somehow I just don’t feel threatened.
Soon two others arrive, and I am directed to a nearby room with a little less running-away-space.
1- Time to have that conversation…
rc 1/24 The content of this page is the intellectual property and copyright material of Charles McLean Redding. Any resemblance to real events, locations, or people are entirely coincidental, and probably a serious cause for concern. No content may be copied and/or distributed without Charles McLean Redding’s express consent and authorization.