“Well, lets make sure all the introductions have been had. My name is Secretary Kraddock. This young lady is Wyla and this,” he gestures to the hulking pile and I can see he notices my alarm, “…is Rego. Do you have any idea where you are?”

I shake my head, but I might as well take a stab.

1- Some kind of derelict space-ship?

2- This is some secret government research facility?

3- I’m in some kind of bunker?

4- I think this is a submarine?

rc 1/28 The content of this page is the intellectual property and copyright material of Charles McLean Redding. Any resemblance to real events, locations, or people are entirely coincidental, and probably a serious cause for concern. No content may be copied and/or distributed without Charles McLean Redding’s express consent and authorization.