
You have reached the end of Chapter 1.

There will be much more to do in The Red City. This adventure has only just begun!

My work on projects like this one thrives on feedback from the people I write for, namely: You! Please feel free to use the form below to let me know what you think of it so far, what you’d like to see, and of course, if you spot any bugs or weird logic loopholes, I’d sure like to hear about them!

In the mean time, if you enjoyed this experience and would like to receive updates on this and other projects here at The Promethean, it would make me very happy if you were to join our mailing list! No Spam, just art, adventure, and ongoing weirdness!


The most direct way to support this work, however, is to become a patron on Patreon! There will be exclusive bonus material and previews for patrons only, including unique opportunities like the chance to inspire a scene or character for Red City!

Finally, you should know that there may very well be more to experience in the chapter you just finished. If this seemed too quick and easy, you can always go back to the beginning and try some new paths!


1- Sign me up to be a Patron!

2- No thanks, I’ll look for the next chapter.

3- Put me back in the closet, I’m ready!


I have some feedback for you!