Saturday, May 18Playing God? Playing is for children.

Content Lists

List of Five New but Terrible and Unnecessary Kaiju
Content Lists, Kaiju, Monsters, Worldbuilding Exercise

List of Five New but Terrible and Unnecessary Kaiju

Today I present to you a list of several Kaiju who are just awful. Just really bad. Like... if you were creating a story about kaiju, why would you pick these? Only a weirdo would come up with these awful kaiju. 1: The Carpe Deus "It began with the lashing. A pair of gigantic sucker-less tentacles rose up out of the ocean near the port city beach. They flopped down, flailed, crushing properties, sending people fleeing. Sometimes they would find something particularly heavy, a tower, or a large vehicle, on one case, a waterfront Ferris-wheel... and wrap around them, wrenching them into the ocean. Experts assumed at first that they were dealing with some kind of giant cephalopod or mollusk. Yet when the lashing arms finally found solid purchase, they strained, the water heaved an...